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Wash Your Washing Machine

Wash Your Washing Machine

Wash Your Washing Machine

wash your washing machine blog.jpgWe invested in a front-loading washing machine about a year ago and while I love it, I really do love it, I’ve noticed an odd smell over the last month or so. Luckily my clothes still smell fresh but I do use dryer sheets and those scent boosting beads so who knows what they’d smell like if I didn’t… eww. I didn’t consider the need to wash a washing machine—after all, every time I use it, water and soap get all sloshed around in there. But as it turns out, these front-loaders tend to harbor mold and other unpleasant smells, according to an article on Popsugar. They go on to recommend cleaning the washing machine once a month. 

The good news is that cleaning your washing machine, according to Popsugar, is an easy and inexpensive task. Mix together ¼ cup baking soda and ¼ cup water in a bowl, in a separate container measure out 2 cups of white vinegar. The baking soda mixture will go into the detergent container of the washing machine and the vinegar in the drum. You will then run your washer at a normal load size in the hottest water setting. By doing this, the article reads, it will “naturally break up mineral deposits and any mold growth while cleaning and refreshing your washing machine”. After the cycle is done, use a clean scrubber to run around the opening of the washing machine, removing any residue and wipe clean with fresh water.

For more detailed directions and corresponding photos, please check out the article here. We all want to do our best to protect and provide for our families. Creating a secure environment starts with establishing your home. If you are looking to find a place for you and your family to settle down in, start by finding out the amount for which you prequalify. You can do this today by completing our easy online application: www.smcapproved.com then click the “Apply Now” button.

Source: https://www.popsugar.com/smart-living/How-Clean-Your-Front-Loading-Washing-Machine-30510521

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