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Financial Wellness 101

Since we are entertaining this “New Decade, New You” mentality, let’s talk about how we’re going to create healthier financial habits in the next 10 years. I know I’m capable of doing a better job than I did in the last 10 years (I was 17 in 2010 for crying out loud!). I wanted some concrete advice so I did the only thing I could think of – I asked a mortgage banker. Not just any mortgage banker, I asked Cindy Bradley, who is always giving me financial tips! Take notes, you won’t want to forget this information.


Equity- What is it? Why does it matter?

Equity- What is it? Why does it matter? Using financial terms when speaking can often result in your listener identifying with Charlie Brown as he listened to his teacher, “whomp, whamp, whomp”. Unless you discuss finances on a regular basis, these terms can take a bit longer to digest; terms like equity. So, let’s take a minute or two and discuss what equity is and why you should care.


Wish List: Storage

  Hey there! Welcome back to the House to Home blog! This is our final installment for our Wish List series and today we’re going to talk all about storage. In 2018 my husband and I bought our first home. A darling little starter ranch in the country with a big backyard. Although I still absolutely love my house, there are things I wish I considered more before purchasing.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

  New year, new you am I right? With all the talk about climate change over the past year, I’m motivated to get a bit more serious about making our world a better place. If you’ve been keeping up with our blog this year, you know that I have been replacing the products in my home little by little. I’ve been making the switch from products with harmful chemicals to products that are eco-friendly. Last week I realized I’ve replaced everything I possibly can with green products. Now it’s time to move on to another big issue-WASTE. In this blog post, I’m going to share a few ways you can help save the planet without making your life more complicated. Let’s take an eco-friendly journey, shall we?


Wish List: Backyard

  Hello there Welcome back to the House to Home blog! This is our third installment for a Wish List series and today’s subject is a big one for me. If you’re new to the blog, let me just fill you in: I have four dogs. Obviously, a backyard is a priority for me but not every backyard is the same. It has to check all of my boxes before I commit. My husband and I just bought our first home last year and our backyard is one of our favorite things about our house. Read on to find out why.


The Best, Easy Dinner Solution:

The Best, Easy Dinner Solution: Whew! We are busy people especially throughout the holiday season. On top of our busy schedules there is less day light this time of year, so our full days seem to go by quicker. For many, including me, this can mean depleted energy and definite lack of motivation to take care of mundane tasks, like making weeknight dinners. I’m here to share with you my favorite quick dinner that not only pleases everyone in the family but makes the absolute best leftovers. This recipe is a standard at our home and has quickly become commonplace at my friends’ homes. I hope that this easy dinner option helps get you through busy times now and throughout the year—leaving you more time to enjoy your home and those in it; thus, making your house your home.


Home Safety When Home for the Holidays

Home Safety When Home for the Holidays It’s that time of year again, the interstates, airports, and train stations are packed with people travelling to be with friends and family. Many people say, “I’m heading home” but what about the place where they live most of the time, their home? There are steps that can be taken to ensure that this home remains intact and protected even while the homeowner is away. Some of these preventative measures require a little bit of planning but others can be done as you and your suitcases are heading out the door. 


Ask an expert: An Underwriter

Ask an expert: An Underwriter When going through the process of getting approved for mortgage financing, the most stressful and seemingly longest phase is when the loan is in the hands of an underwriter. This is the final step prior to the loan being approved or denied—ahhh! Talk about pressure! But by understanding what an underwriter is doing and some common yet avoidable things that hold up getting a “clear to close” your mind may be put at ease. So, we will ask an expert, one of our veteran Underwriters, Dawn Rhoden, what she wishes more people knew and what tips she wants to share!


On Your Wishlist: For Your Kitchen

On Your Wishlist: For Your Kitchen Rental kitchens, all of them leave something to be desired—style, space, or storage—and sometimes it is all three. I remember my days of apartment living; no counter space, old appliances, minimal storage, and that is just the functionality of it! I’m confident that every renter would like to change at least one thing about their kitchen—what is on your kitchen wish list? Is it one of the items we have included below?


Vintage Holiday Gifts

If you guys are anything like me, you stress out about finding the perfect gift for everyone in your life. 

Let us guide you home.