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What your House wants for the Holidays

What your House wants for the Holidays I’m sure by now you’ve made your list for Santa and checked it twice, but have you thought about what you are gifting your house this Holiday season? Yes, I’m serious, your house deserves a little something too! Luckily, I’ve put together a list of the perfect gifts for your home. Don’t just treat yourself this holiday season, treat your house!


Wish List: Laundry Room

Every renter has a mental picture of their dream home in their head. For me, I’d love to have a mudroom where I can clean off my dogs before I let them into my house and a big garage to park my car in for the winter months.


Why Is My Credit Karma Score Different?

Why is my Credit Karma score different? It is likely that you have seen the hilarious advertisements for Credit Karma; like the commercial featuring a couple whose neighbor loves wind chimes or the terrible roommate trying to become the latest internet sensation. The premise behind these advertisements is that by monitoring your credit score on Credit Karma you will be in a better position to move into better living conditions. It is true that improving your credit could open more financing options when applying for a mortgage.


A How to Guide: Home Winterizing

A How to Guide: Home Winterizing Being native to Kentucky, I have always found it remarkable how well northern communities handle winter weather. A foot of snow? No problem there; in fact, you will find kids standing at the bus stops in single digit weather. It’s not that Kentucky is southern by any means, but we are certainly not used to frigid temperatures nor tons of snow. However, just a few weeks ago we already saw our first snow fall (we typically don’t see the white stuff until late January) so we may really be in for it this year! Which means maybe this year it is a bit more crucial than others to “winterize” our homes. Let’s look at the steps needed for winterizing; you can click here to download a free checklist, so you don’t miss any steps! Check for and seal air leaks


How to make Quick Cash for the Holidays

Need a way to make some quick cash this holiday season without having to sell an arm and a leg? You’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, I’m going to reveal all of my side hustle, money-making methods in hopes that you can get to work and bring home some extra dough.


Our Favorite Cyber Monday Deals

Our Favorite Cyber Monday Deals Returning to work after a long holiday weekend can be tough on all of us but to make it a bit easier, we have Cyber Monday to keep us distracted from the mundane by bombarding us with advertisements and emails informing us of the latest deals. So, we thought we would get on board and share some of our favorite Cyber Monday deals for the home! Get great deals on things that can help you keep your home cleaner, make it cozier, and help create memories in this space you have worked so hard to make your own.


Best Deals for Black Friday

You could spend Black Friday shopping for sweaters and stocking stuffers but why not look for items that contribute to making a house feel more like a home. Whether the item is for you or for a loved one, finding things that make one’s home feel cozier, more inviting, or even more efficient can be a gift that continues to give for a long time! And if you can save some serious money while doing it, then what is stopping you? We’ve spent some time crawling through the internet to bring you some of the top Black Friday deals that can contribute to making your house a home.


Thankful Notes

This Thanksgiving, we wanted to share what some of our Stockton employees are thankful for. ❤️


Quick and Easy Appetizer Ideas

Quick and Easy Appetizer Ideas Tis the season of hustle and bustle. It seems that if you aren’t heading somewhere or people aren’t heading to your place, then you are prepping for the next activity. No matter the occasion to gather, one thing remains the same—there will be food. After all, isn’t that why people put off making diet changes until the new year? All that yummy goodness that can’t be resisted! But in all the stress of running around, sometimes you don’t have time to create a masterpiece of a dish. So, whether you are taking food elsewhere or having people over, here are some quick appetizers you can whip up with just a few items.


How to Host the Perfect Bonfire

Last week I wrote about how easy it is to create your own fire pit. Today I’m going to coach you on how to host the perfect bonfire! Hosting a bonfire is such a great way to spend quality time with friends and family. It’s cheap, easy and appeals to all ages. Follow my steps for your next bonfire and you’ll officially become a super host!

Let us guide you home.